Arkadaşlar kontak açıkken frene basıp,eliniz km sıfırlamada tutunca garip sayılar cıkıyor hatta bugun komple gösterge testide yaptı araba ancak nasıl kullanıldıgını çözemedim ne ne işe yarıyor?bilen varmı?birde direksiyondakı RES tuşu ne işe yarıyor??
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oil servis-vs ayarlanması?
mini_monsterEtiketler: Hiçbiri
frene basmasanda o testi yapar bende r53 kodlari vardi 7 ekimde Maslak Megudaki barbekuye gelirsen degisik ozellikleri var onlari gosteririm mesela su sucakligi dijitalde devir gorme hizi orta konsolda dijital olarak gorme opsyonlari var, diger soruna gelince direksyondaki res tusu resume demek yani cruise controle aldigin zaman aracini frene bastin ve cruise controlden cikti diyelim tekrar eski ayarladigin hiza donmek icin res tusuna basarsin ve ayarladigin hiza geri doner aracin.sigpic
alin kardesım bilgiler için teşekkur ederım ama nevsehırdeyım yanı barbekü alanına yaklasık 1000kmburdan o bilgileri aktarma sansın olmazmı?
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Aslı mini_monster tarafından gönderilmiş Mesajı gösteralin kardesım bilgiler için teşekkur ederım ama nevsehırdeyım yanı barbekü alanına yaklasık 1000kmburdan o bilgileri aktarma sansın olmazmı?
ben Alen. bu arada haklisin ben o kismi atlamisim ufak bir 1000km durumu var
kodlarin yazili oldugu bir kagidim vardi eger bulamazsam biraz zor ancak deneme yanilma ile yapabilirim birinin r53unde veya internetten bulmaya calisip sana ulastirmaya calisacagim.
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How to Reset the ECU:
1. With the key in the ignition, but in the off position, press and hold down the odometer reset button with one hand, while holding the button down, switch the key in the ignition to position 1 (first click) with the other hand.
2. The screen will have a number and the word “tESt”.
3. Scroll through the numbers by pressing the odometer rest button, through to 19 and wait a moment. (Note: the number order is: 1,2,10,19)
4. The message will say 19 "L i-off", flash to "L i-on", and back to "L i-off" again. When "log i-off" appears, press the odometer rest button again. You are now in the system.
5. Scroll through to 21. tESt and wait a moment. 21.0 rESEt will come up. Press the button once.
6. Your gauges will now make some sounds and movements. Once the lights come back on start your car. You have now reset your ECU and your MINI is now ready to relearn the new mods and your driving style.
Here is a list of all the tests on your MINI:
1.0 Chassis number
1.1 Kilometer count
1.2 Parts number
1.3 Coding-, Diagnostic- and Bus-index
1.4 Production Date (Calendar week/year)
1.5 Hard- and Software status
1.6 Injector status, Cylinder count, Engine factor.
2.0 Comb system Test
3.0 Service interval counter
4.0 Actual fuel consumption in l/100km. eg.0154 = 15,4 liters/100kms.
4.1 Consumption in liters/100kms.
5.0 Distance consumption in l/100kms.
5.1 Actual rest distance with available fuel in Kms.
6.0 Actual amount of fuel in tank. eg. 123321 =12,3liters left 32,1 liters right
6.1 Total amount of fuel in tank.
6.2 Show value of Fuel gauge.
1= both senders OK, 2= sender failure, 3=ti signal implausible (no reading)
7.0 Actual coolant temp.
7.1 Actual outside temp.
7.2 Actual engine revs.
7.3 Actual speed
8.0 Hexadecimal readings of menu 7.0 to 7.3
9.0 Actual on board voltage (Battery)
10.0 Land codes
11.0 Unit codes
12.0 No function
13.0 Gong test
14.0 - 14.4 On board diagnostic codes. eg 000000 = no failures
15.0 - 18.0 No function
19.0 On/Off for Test menu.
20.0 Correction factor for Fuel consumption Formula for correction:
Shown consumption x 1000 / user defined consumption
Push the trip reset button to begin the correction. Numbers count up from 0-9, when correct number shows push trip reset button.
20.1 Sets 10ths. for consumption factor
20.2 Sets 100ths. and 1000ths. For consumption factor
20.3 saves the new consumption factor and shows new value
21.0 Software reset. (Same as disconnecting battery)
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